Hormone Balance – BHRT
Written by Dr. John Salerno
At The Salerno Center for Complementary Medicine, Dr. John P. Salerno is committed to helping his patients discover health and rediscover vitality. He obtains optimal results by investigating, diagnosing, correcting and rebalancing every aspect of the body. Specializing in anti-aging protocols and bioidentical hormone replacement, he takes great care to individualize his services to the specific needs of each patient.
The conventional medical community considers age-related hormonal decline to be normal and, therefore, takes little action to correct it. Anti-aging and complementary physicians, however, understand the importance of restoring the hormonal system: how it works and the vital necessity of replacement. Hormones coordinate the continuous biochemical activity that occurs in all of our cells throughout our body and brain. They are the chemicals that make things happen on a day-to- day basis within the systems of our body. As the body’s chemical messengers, they orchestrate our metabolic processes by stimulating changes in body cells.
Both women and men, at any age, can experience hormone imbalances resulting in various symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, memory loss, bone loss, weight gain, low libido and brain fog. On the contrary, when your hormones are replaced in perfect balance, you look, feel, and act younger, plus you are protected against some of the worst diseases and effects of old age. Bioidentical hormones are not drugs. Made from soy, wild yam, and other plant extracts, they are synthesized in a lab to mimic the body’s natural production of hormones. “Bioidentical” means biologically identical to human hormones- exact replicas of what we make in our own bodies. They are natural and completely different from synthetic hormones, which are made from the urine of pregnant mares. Synthetic hormones do not replace lost hormones- they are drugs that simply cover up some of the nastier symptoms of menopause, and other issues related to aging.
Some of the hormones that decline with age include estrogen, estriol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and pregnenolone. Because every person’s body has genetically predetermined hormone levels, it takes the right combination of bioidentical hormones to achieve optimal balance. Everybody is different, and everyone needs a dosage prescribed just for them. Once balanced, bioidentical hormones offer extraordinary health benefits for both men and women on everything from the cardiovascular system to the aging brain and bones.
Treatment with bioidentical estradiol and estrogen help decrease the risk of breast and uterine cancer, as well as increase bone density. Progesterone treatment is used to increase hair growth and thickness, as well as improve sleep, and increase stamina. The adrenal hormones, DHEA and pregnenolone, affect mood, memory, and vitality. They also enhance the immune system to protect against infection, injury, and illness. Most people think of testosterone as a male hormone, however, testosterone plays an important role in a woman’s normal physiology. It benefits both men and women, by helping to improve libido, motivation, and muscle tone. It is also responsible for vital energy and an overall sense of well-being.
Hormone balance can profoundly influence every aspect of our lives, and just as importantly, every aspect of our lifestyle can affect our hormone balance. Diet, nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction are some of the basic changes men and women need to make in their lives in order to help restore hormone balance.
Dr. John Salerno has seen lives turned around and health make dramatic strides by simple changes in diet, with exercise and attitude adjustment. And from this deep experience, has evolved Dr. Salerno’s Silver Cloud Diet. He has partnered with award winning food journalist and cookbook author, Linda West Eckhardt, to bring simple, yet profound ideas for peak living to you.
Order your copy of Dr. Salerno’s The Silver Cloud Diet at www.TheSilverCloudDiet.com
“It’s not just a lifestyle, it’s a life.” – Dr. John P. Salerno
About Dr. Salerno
After decades of practicing medicine, Dr. Salerno’s techniques have been proven to slow the aging process and encourage a healthy and vitality-filled life for his patients by applying a preventative, whole-person, patient-centered approach together with his natural treatments. Specializing in anti-aging protocols, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, nutrition and weight-management therapies, Dr. Salerno combines the teaching of traditional medicine with the wisdom of alternative healing to clean the system of toxins and blockages that can cause heart disease, cancer, brain dysfunction, diabetes and many others. The restorative effects of his treatments and vitamins can be witnessed in the renewed exuberance and health of his patients- patients who often searched within mainstream medicine for years before finally finding Dr. Salerno and the remedies that sometimes quite literally saved their lives.
Dr. Salerno is a world-renowned pioneer in the practice of complementary medicine. Based in Manhattan, Dr. Salerno has been cited as an expert by national media outlets, retained as a consultant for the launching of treatment facilities across three continents, and referenced by Suzanne Somers in her #1 New York Times bestseller, Ageless, and in her 2009 follow-ups, Breakthrough and Knockout.
The Salerno Center for Complementary Medicine
161 Madison Avenue Suite 7SW
New York, NY 10016
phone 212-582-1700
fax 212-582-1727
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