TISSUE SALTS (Dr. Schuessler Biochemical Cell Salts)

Tissue-saltsWhat are Tissue Salts

Tissue salts are the result of the work of Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler, a great nineteenth-century German physician. He studied the ashes of people who had been cremated to see what minerals were lacking in their cells and studied the entire history of these people, linking the missing minerals to the diseases they had. He concluded that there are 12 minerals that must be present in the body to maintain perfect health.

What Tissue Salts are made of

Tissue salts are alternative remedies based on inorganic salts. Made of 100% natural Ingredients, they are safe for children over age one and adults. Tissue Salts can be taken with other medication on an on-going basis without side effects. In case of serious illnesses, contact a health professional to analyze your particular case.

Tissue Salts are minerals that balance the body functions, and may lead to cures for various illnesses. They are also known as Schuessler Salts or Biochemical Salts. Their deficiency can be easily perceived by symptoms and facial diagnosis. For maximum effectiveness, they must be combined with a healthy lifestyle.

They are safe, efficient, and inexpensive. Their efficiency has been confirmed in Europe, North America and all around the world for over 200 years.

Are Tissue Salts homeopathy?

Although diluted and potentized, they are not classified as homeopathic remedies because they are not selected by the “Like cures like” principle. They are potentized at 6D and 12D (or 6X and 12X), and act primarily on the physical cellular level.

Why Minerals are so important

Minerals are essential to help vitamin absorption, and have many important roles in cellular processes. Learn more about each Tissue Salt below.

List of the 12 Tissue Salts

1 – CALC FLUOR TISSUE SALT- Calcarea Fluorica – (Calcium fluoratum)

Calcarea fluorica 2 tissue salts

Calcarea fluorica is the tissue elasticity restorer.

Calcarea fluorica Tissue Salt is indicated for cracks in the skin, loss of elasticity, relaxed condition of the veins and arteries, piles, sluggish circulation, loose/decayed teeth. Among others, it is found in the enamel of teeth and bone surfaces.

Calcarea fluorica is beneficial for conditions associated with over-relaxed fibers, and helps to maintain skin firmness. This would include dilated blood vessels such as in hemorrhoids, and enlarged and varicose veins.

It helps to normalize blood circulation and in the treatment of sagging tissues, muscle strain, and injured ligaments.

Calc Fluor provides support for cataracts, bone diseases of the ear, cracked lips, relaxation of  urinary organs and muscles, uterine displacement, difficult expectoration, Ingrown toenail (for this condition see also Silicea), and burning back pains.

Calcarea fluorica tissue salts

External signs of lack of Calcarea fluorica

Fan-shaped crow’s feet, brittle nails, sweaty feet, and weak connective tissue.



2 – CALC PHOS TISSUE SALT (calcarea phosphorica)

Calcarea phosphorica 2 tissue salts

Calcarea Phosphorica is the foundation of body structure. It is the tissue salt indicated for blood coagulation problems, imperfect circulation, bone weakness, and rickets (bone softening caused by lack of vitamin D).

Mentally, the lack of this mineral causes poor memory, incapacity for concentrated thought, and an overall weak mind.

Calcarea phosphorica helps bone and teeth formation and renovation, and influences on digestion and assimilation.  Its deficiency causes bone diseases, slow development and retarded dentition in children. It helps the build-up of blood corpuscles and it is fundamental in all life stages. It also helps to prevent muscular and menstrual cramps, and fights anemia.

Other symptoms related to lack of Calc phos, are chronic enlargement of tonsils, eye sensibility to artificial light, eyeballs ache, spasm of eyelids, eruptions of skin with thick discharge and itching pimples.

Calcarea phosphorica tissue salts

External signs of lack of Calcarea phosphorica

Calcarea phosphorica deficiency is seen in translucent tips and white spots on the teeth, thin lips (which indicates poor mineral absorption), a creamy-whitish face, and waxy appearance around the eyes.


3 – CALC SULPH TISSUE SALT (calcarea suphurica, Calcium sulphate or lime sulphate)

Calcarea sulphurica 2 tissue salts

Calcarea sulphurica helps in the production of fibrin, the protein which supports skin tissue and blood-clotting.

Calc sulph Tissue Salt is indicated for pimples, sore throat, cold, and all conditions arising from impurities in the blood. It is a constituent of connective tissue, mucous membranes and skin. Calcarea sulphurica helps clear away accumulations of non-functional decaying matter. This material may otherwise lay dormant or slowly decay and damage surrounding tissue.

Calcarea sulphuricum is beneficial to accelerate slow wound healing, during the last stage of suppuration. It is indicated for boils, carbuncles, ulcers, abscesses, and all processes that have pus. It acts on inflammations, cellulitis, mastitis and inflamed hangnails.

Calcarea sulphurica tissue salts

External signs of lack of Calcarea sulphurica

Cellulite, age spots, liver spots, enlarged pores, dirty appearance of the skin.



4 – FERRUM  PHOS TISSUE SALT (ferrum phosphoricum, Phosphate of iron)

Ferrum phosphoricum 2 tissue salts
Ferrum phosphoricum is essential for the transport of oxygen to all parts of the body.

The lack of this mineral is related to anemia, vomiting of undigested food, inflammatory pains, fever, fast pulse, and lack of red blood corpuscles. As an “Oxygen Carrier”, Ferrum phosphoricum Tissue Salt is beneficial for any inflammatory or feverish condition, and disturbed circulation with heat, redness, and throbbing pains.

It is beneficial during the first stage of acute diseases, for all inflammatory conditions: common colds, recurrent colds, bronchitis, respiratory infections, and acute rheumatism. Ferrum phosphoricum aids the body to resist to disease.

It is very important for initial stages of  intestinal diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and bleeding hemorrhoids with red blood.

Ferrum phosphoricum tissue salts

External signs of lack of Ferrum phosphoricum

Dark circles under the eyes (which can be also related to lack of vitamin K), and paleness of nose, ear lobes and lips.


5 – KALI MUR TISSUE SALT (kalium muriaticum, Potassium chloride)


Kali Muriaticum is the principal element to build fibrin within the body (along with Calc Sulph) – the building blocks for connective tissue.

It is indicated for sluggish conditions, catarrh, sore throat, glandular swelling, whitish tongue, pale stools, coughs, and colds. Kalium mur aids in the reduction of mucus congestion in colds and sinusitis. It is beneficial for the lymphatic glands and in problems associated with thick white or grayish skin discharges.

Kali mur, used along with Ferrum phos, is especially useful for ulcerated sore throat, tonsillitis, and catarrhal infection of the middle ear.

Thick discharges of the eyes and  earache with swelling of tonsils and Eustachian tubes are other symptoms it covers.

Kali mur may help in the second stage of all inflammatory conditions, with bleeding hemorrhoids with dark blood, and white vaginal discharge.

kali-muriaticum tissue salts

External signs of lack of Kali muriaticum

Acne rosacea, milky discoloration of the face and white scales on the scalp (dandruff).



6 –  KALI PHOS TISSUE SALT (kalium phosphoricum)

Kali phosphoricum 2 tissue salts

The lack of Kali phosphoricum is linked to nervous headaches, lack of vitality, ill humor, skin ailments, sleeplessness, depression, timidity, anxiety.A constituent of nerve and brain cells, Kalium phosphoricum Tissue Salt is a useful nerve tonic.

This tissue salt is indicated when stress and tension make and nervous symptoms appear. General debility and exhaustion. Particularly valuable for emotional irritability, depression, nervousness, and children’s tantrums.

Indicated for eczema with irritation and over sensitiveness, skin diseases with fetid discharges, blisters over the body.

Halitosis (Bad breath), poor digestive system. Menstrual colic in irritable women. Palpitations from nervous causes. Wasting diseases with putrid discharges. Somnambulism.

Kali phosphoricum tissue salts

External signs of lack of Kali phosphoricum

Ash grayish skin, and sunken temples (hollow eyes).


7 – KALI SULPH TISSUE SALT (kalium  sulphuricum, Potassium sulphate)


Kali sulph Tissue Salt has afinity for oil. When it is low in the organism, oil becomes thick, clogging the pores. Slimy, yellowish discharges and abscesses. It is also useful for skin eruptions with scaling or sticky exudation. Kalium Sulphuricum may also give relief from catarrhal problems associated with yellowish or greenish discharge from the mucous membranes.

Dandruff, discharges of the eyes and ears,  intestinal disorders, stomach catarrh, inflammatory conditions, eruptions on the skin and scalp with scaling and shifting pains. Kali sulph works in conjunction with Ferrum phosphoricum, as an oxygen carrier, and brings beneficial effects on respiratory and circulatory  functions. Indicated for fever, when the temperature rises in the evening.

Often used towards the end of a cold, when the discharge is profuse and frequent. Sometimes beneficial for  shifting acute rheumatic pains. It opens the pores of the skin, brings blood to the surface and promotes perspiration, especially when alternated  with Ferrum Phos. In Small pox cases, it helps with the falling of the crusts.


External signs of lack

of Kali Sulph

Pregnancy brown stains, age spots, freckles in adults, and liver spots.


8 – MAG PHOS TISSUE SALT (magnesia  phosphorica, magnesium phosphate)

magnesia phosphorica 2 tissue salts

Mag phos is mainly found in the white fibers of nerves and muscles.  As a Tissue Salt it is indicated for all kinds of nerve pains, cramps, sciatica, muscular pains, spasms and twitchings. For back pains and spasmodic labor pain with cramps in legs. An important indication for Mag phos, are muscular pains which ameliorates with heat and pressure.

It is the chief remedy for complaints of spasmodic nature, such as: colic, menstrual cramps and pains, palpitations, toothache, spasmodic cough, and constricted feeling of the throat. It is very useful for baby’s colic, and also for neuralgia and acute pains in general.

Mag phos can be used with Kali phos for mental disturbances, and it is beneficial in many cases of exhaustion due to emotional upsets.

magnesia phosphorica tissue salts

External sign of lack

of Mag phos

Red face.



9 – NATRUM MUR TISSUE SALT (natrum muriaticum)



Natrum muriaticum has affinity with the water in the blood serum. Any deficiency of this element causes disturbances int the water in the whole body. Considered the “Water Salt”, Natrum muriaticum helps control the degree of moisture in the tissues, helping to relief watery colds, (runny nose and watering eyes symptoms).

Watery eyes with smarting secretions, and weak eyes. Asthma with watery, frothy mucus. For tissues and skin dryness, some cases of constipation, backache and digestive disturbances arising from too little acid in stomach.

Indicated for delirium tremens, melancholy, hopelessness, and low spirits. Headaches with constipation, heartburn, toothache, hay fever, craving for salt and salty foods.  Eruptions of the skin, with watery contents or very dry skin. Excessive sleepiness.

Natrum muriaticum is the chief remedy in sunstroke.


External signs of lacknatrum-muriaticum-tissue-salts
of Natrum Mur

Large pores in the face, bloated appearance, dropsy and swellings and nettle rash with violent itching.


10 – NATRUM PHOS TISSUE SALT (natrum phosphoricum, phosphate of sodium)


Natrum phosphoricum is responsible for the balance between acids and body fluids. As a Tissue Salt, Natum mur helps to reduce the blood acidity, in order to maintain the acid-base balance. When the blood is too acid, it disturbs the emotional system, and the person becomes full of hate, envy, criticism, jealousy, and selfishness.

The acidic blood condition, reflects on the organism as stiffness and swelling of the joints, rheumatism, lumbago, worms, yellow creamy coating at the root of the tongue, and eyes discharges with the same creamy appearance.

Natrum phosphoricum helps maintaining the alkalinity of the blood, emulsifies fatty acids and keeps uric acid soluble in the blood. Thus, it  helps people who eat too much sugar and are suffering from an acid condition. In that case, improvement of diet is very important.

It also relief gastric indigestion, sour stomach, dyspepsia, heartburn, intestinal worms, and mild rheumatic tendencies.

Natrum phosphoricum tissue salts

External signs of lack
of Natrum phos

Blackheads, pimples, red acne. Yellowish, shiny, and greasy face, open pores.


11 – NATRUM SULPH TISSUE SALT (natrum sulphuricum, sodium chloride)


Natrum sulphuricum regulates the supply of water in the body, and helps to eliminate the excess of liquid of the system. It is found in the intercellular fluids, liver and pancreas. As a Tissue Salt it brings relief for biliousness, liver troubles, digestive upsets and some influenza symptoms. It helps to dissipate lethargy caused by humid weather.

It is indicated for irritation and bitter taste in the mouth due to excess of bile. Also for: yellow conjunctiva, yellow face, jaundice, erysipelas, dirty tongue (brownish green coating of the tongue).

Natrum sulph helps when excess of bile affects the stomach, producing vomit, humid asthma , malaria, liver diseases and diabetes with excessive urination.


External signs of lack
of Natrum sulph

Swelling under the eyes (Eyes bags), and all skin diseases with bilious symptoms. Exudation of yellowish secretions.



Silicea gives stamina to the organism. It is part of all body cells, and it is fundamental for all living beings, including plants. As a Tissue Salt, It is considered the beauty salt because it improves skin and hair, but in fact it is much more than that. Silicea helps to construct collagen, strengthens veins and arteries, and improves connective tissues and bones. When it is low, the hair becomes dry and thin; nails are fragile and skin ages quickly. All these external signs are showing that something inside is not working properly, and the cure should come from inside out.

Indicated for smelly feet and arm pits, pus formation, tonsillitis, brittle nails, stomach pains. It promotes suppuration and the discharge of wastes, thereby often initiating the healing process by dispersing potentially harmful toxins.

Silicea helps cleansing the body and it is indicated for skin eruptions resulting from toxic blood conditions, as acne, abscesses, boils and others. In the first stage of any inflammation, Ferr. Phos. and Kali Mur should be given, but if these tissue salts fail to check the process, Silicea should be taken to ripen the inflammation and promote its discharge.

Silicea is wonderful for sinusitis (in form of tissue salt or homeopathic remedy depending on the case) with discharge of fetid matter. Ingrowing toenails and all skin disturbances with discharge of pus.


External signs of lack
of Silicea

Wrinkles and crow’s feet, shrunken eyelids, shinny nose and forehead, and parallel lines near the ear.


Dose recommended by the manufacturer:

Adults: 4 tablets, 4 times per day
Children: 2 tablets, 3 or 4 times per day.
Babies: 1 tablet, 1 to 3 times per day.

Put the tablets  under the tongue and allow them to melt slowly. If the tablets are hard (depending on the brand) they can be dissolved in a little water, which should be left in the mouth for a while (around ten seconds) before swallowing.
Tissue salts can be taken according to your needs: you can take the “All in One” or  different salts in parallel, alternating days or hours.

Usually the tissue salts should be taken for at least 3 months, although they can show effect in a short period of time.

This post is for educational purposes only, and it is not intended to replace medical treatment.

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