How I Learned About Homeopathy
In 2008 I wrote my first post about homeopathy in my Brazilian blog. I wanted to share the wonderful results I have had with homeopathic medicine treatments over twenty years.
I have since graduated in Homeopathic Medicine by CCHM in Toronto, Canada. After my studies my admiration and respect for homeopathy grew even more, and I would like to invite you to learn a little about it. Homeopathy is a medicine that can make a great difference in your life and in the lives of those you care about.
My First experience with a
homeopathic medicine
The first time I took a homeopathic medicine, the results came quickly and were very interesting. At that time I was experiencing a super crisis. I had a wonderful life, was happy in every way, and one day I started feeling extremely distressed and anguished, especially when waking up in the meddle of the night with an emptiness in my head. My homeopath prescribed me a single dose for the first night, and another remedy to be taken every morning for approximately two weeks.
After a couple of days I started having incredible insights and I realized everything that was happening to me. I commented my “discoveries” to my friend who had referred the homeopath, and he was not impressed.
I found it strange, and asked him why – he answered “I already knew all this about you. ” – Why didn’t I know? I asked – and why didn’t you tell me? He replied: “You would have never believed. This kind of discovery is personal”. With the perceptions and emotional relief, I was happy again, the sleep wonderful as before, and everything was back to normal.
Homeopathy and psychotherapy
Some years later when I started Jungian therapy, which I love, I continued taking homeopathic medicines to help me better understand the issues that therapy was uncovering. This, undoubtedly, hastened my therapeutic process. I remember discussing my dreams with my therapist and my homeopath, and thus deepening my insights through analysis and the indicated homeopathic remedies based on the dreams.
Homeopathy, however, has not only a subjective side, and I’ve taken homeopathic medications for both physical and emotional problems.
Other Cures
Case of Extra-Systole
Throughout these years I have had many cures with homeopathy. For example, for about two years I had an extra-systole, which is an abnormal beating of the heart. For two years I went to several cardiologists and never understood why they never found a solution. Finally I decided to travel to the city where my homeopath was living, to get his opinion. Result: In two months I was completely cured.
Actually, I had improved a lot since the first week. My homeopath prescribed a formula with vitamins and minerals, including Taurine, an amino acid that is essential for muscle strength. When it is low in the body, the heart can become weak, leading to extra-systoles. Besides these vitamins and minerals, he prescribed a homeopathic remedy for my emotional problems, because I was in the midst of a crisis caused by a big change in my life.
The emotional crisis was the real cause for the physical problem. This is very important to be understood: emotional problems cause physical diseases. the disease will appear in the organ that is weakest at that moment or in a part of the body that already is vulnerable.
Emotional distress seems immaterial but it is actually something very real because it causes strong hormonal changes that affect all bodily functions.
Case of Rhinitis and Sinusitis
My husband had been suffering from rhinitis and sinusitis since he was a teenager. He had started a homeopathic treatment and had not followed up. Homeopathy does not always cure after the very first dose, like in my case, and he gave up.
Sometimes the first remedy is not ideal, and a second or third must be taken. This happens because the homeopath is trying to find the “similimum” the remedy that resonates with the patient’s vital energy and it is not that simple. When he tried for the second time, the results were very good and quick, and he is totally free of that problem.
Case of Tendinitis
A couple of years later I had a tendinitis problem, and during 6 months of pain and impossibility to pick up objects, I consulted with three allopathic doctors (one of which wanted to operate my hand), and underwent lots of physiotherapy and laser applications without any improvement.
When I realized the folly of looking for answers in the wrong place, I finally booked an appointment with my homeopath. The remedy he prescribed gave me 70% improvement in the first week, and over a month and a half, the pain completely disappeared and didn’t come back again. At that moment I promised myself that homeopathy would be always my first choice.
At that moment my husband was so impressed with my results, that he decided to re-start his homeopathic treatment for sinusitis, and he was fully healed. And what is important: cured by a medicine that has no side effects. Isn’t that wonderful? To give you an idea, the allopathic medication prescribed to him had numerous side effects, including glaucoma (an eye disease that can cause vision loss and blindness by damaging the optic nerve).
Focusing on the Patients’ Needs
I am not saying that homeopathy has all the answers, but it is really wonderful! Anyway, I really believe that we need to create a new era in medicine, where all medical specialties can learn from each other and see what is better for the patient.
When someone is suffering it is not time for games of egos. Conventional medicine has been advancing a lot over the last decades, which is great, but we all know that drug laboratories focus it to make money. Also, we need to remember that homeopathy, Chinese, Tibetan, and Indian medicines have hundreds of years of wisdom and experience.
The most fascinating thing about homeopathy is its ability to heal by activating the inner energy that resides in each living being. That means that homeopathy is good for people, animals, plants, everything.
In high potencies there are no more physical traces of the raw material used, and the remedy (having a base made of alcohol and water) has only the energy of the substance.
Why do we need the potentization? Because, according to Hahnemann, only energy can act on energy. If we want to stimulate the vital individual energy to reach the cure, we have to do it with energy.
The spectacular cure of Dr. Hering
It is very common to see people questioning about a homeopathic remedy because it doesn’t contain physical particles, and, without any knowledge or even trying to understand it, say that it doesn’t work. knowing and understanding are fundamental steps before any judgment. In fact, only experience will give us the definitive answer when we try to know something.
One good example of understanding before judging, is the case of Dr. Constantine Hering, who nowadays is considered one of the greatest homeopaths of all time. Once he learned about homeopathy, he abandoned conventional practice in order to entirely devote himself to it, and how that happened is very interesting.
In 1821, when there was a big campaign to eliminate homeopathy, he was hired to write a book to discredit it. As Dr. Hering was a righteous man, he came to the conclusion that he had to understand homeopathy well, to be able to do it. As he began to read about homeopathy, he became increasingly impressed with the homeopathic principles, and started trying some remedies to evaluate their results. At the same time he continued his practice as a surgeon, and injured a finger performing an autopsy.
No conventional treatment worked, and he was told that the only solution was to amputate his finger. That was a terrible prognostic, because he would not be able to operate anymore. By that time he already was convinced of the value of homeopathy, and decided, as a last resort, to take a Homeopathic remedy indicated by one of Hahnemann’s disciples. As a result, in one week, his finger improved 70%, and soon, it was completely healed. After that spectacular cure, Hering devoted himself entirely to homeopathic study and practice and became one of the greatest advocates of homeopathy.
When Aggravation is a good sign
Another serious reason for people being discontent with homeopathy is because many homeopaths don’t explain clearly to their patients how it works. When the remedy activates the person’s vital energy, a little aggravation may occur.
This is when we see the majority of complaints or abandonment of treatment. When people are suffering, they obviously want to feel better. However, they need to know that the aggravation caused by the right remedy is wonderful because it is the beginning of the cure.
If by a misunderstanding the patients think that homeopathy made him worse, and decides to stop, they are losing the opportunity to be healed. In this moment the patients need to talk to their homeopath to discuss these symptoms, so that a decision can be made on how to continue the treatment – either by reducing the dose or dinamization, or changing the remedy. Abandoning the treatment without understanding what is happening should never be done.
Everyone can be confident during an aggravation, because the treatment is not something done blindly. Homeopathy is a science, and each remedy has been tested thousands of times always achieving the same results. This way, the homeopath knows what to do when aggravation occurs.
Another problem is that sometimes people come to a homeopath as their last resource. That means that they have been using allopathic drugs full of serious side effects for years, which have aggravated their original state. In this case patience is needed to reach good results.
Try Homeopathy First
You should take a homeopathic remedy at the first sign of disease, which in general can prevent the problem from getting worse. The best way to do it, is to have a homeopathic first aid kit. Except in real serious conditions, after one or two doses, you can evaluate if further medical assistance is necessary. And even in serious conditions, homeopathic remedies can be taken along with allopathic drugs and medical prescriptions.
When the general patient’s scenario cannot be seen clearly, modern exams can facilitate the discovery of the right homeopathic remedy. However, the important thing is that homeopathy treats based on symptoms, and the name of the disease doesn’t matter.
Homeopathy and quantum physics
Energy is not a philosophical subject, nor a mystic one. Since Max Planck, Einstein and many others, quantum physics has proved that the whole universe is energy condensed in many different levels of vibration, which makes the world the way we perceive it.
Homeopathy, developed over 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann , only now can be better understood through the eyes of quantum physics. The most fascinating thing about homeopathy is its ability to heal by activating the inner energy that resides in each living being.
This post is for educational purposes only, and it is not intended to replace medical treatment.
Lou Couto, DCHM
Classical Homeopathy
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