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Throat Pain And Bees – A Cure By The Law Of Similars

 Throat pain and the “Like cures like” principle One of the homeopathic principles is based on healing by the similar. That means that the remedy cures if it causes, in a healthy person, an effect similar to that of the disease symptom. In the example below, a stinging throat pain is cured by bee venom. […]

Homeopathy for Colds and the Flu

In general, colds and the flu are more common in Winter, when the cold weather and closed spaces makes us more susceptible to getting ill. However, all year around the viruses are in the environment, and respiratory diseases can happen, especially when we are highly stressed or overworked. Some First-Aid Homeopathic Remedies for Colds and […]

Homeopathic Medicines Travel Kit

Homeopathic medicines for first aid for your travel kit Using homeopathy for various types of problems, it was a surprise to me to discover that homeopathic remedies are great for emergencies, such as falls, burns, bruises, shocks, bumps, and others. Unfortunately, when I got hit on the head by a wind-surf mast, I didn’t know […]

Arnica montana- Homeopathic Remedy – Internal and External Use

Arnica montana Homeopathic remedies, such as Arnica montana, are wonderful for first aid and some emergency situations. In severe instances you should seek medical help/hospital immediately, but in less serious cases the homeopathic remedy can bring excellent and fast results. Even in severe cases, while waiting for the arrival of the doctor or on the […]